Performance Metrics for Scripts Using Command Line

To quickly collect performance metrics for a script via command line:

  1. Start running the script. Make note of the process name that the script is running as (e.g. ruby)
  2. Create a script called with this content: ps aux | grep $1 | head -1 | awk '{print "CPU="$3 ", MEM="$4 ", RSS="$6}'
  3. Make the profiler executable: chmod +x
  4. Execute the profiler in a watch session every minute: watch -n 60 --no-title "./ SCRIPT_IDENTIFIER | tee -a logfile". Where the script identifier is any text that we can use to grep for the process in the ps aux output.
  5. After your script is done running or you have enough data points, observe the output in logfile.

NOTE: RSS is resident set size

Written on November 8, 2016 by shahriyarnasir