Hash keys must be symbols for keyword arguments

Recently our team worked on a ticket which required us to remove the tooltips for Edit, Delete button.

As an initial approach, we changed the signature by parameterizing the tooltip, and inserted into #link_to helper. To preserve the options parameter, we converted it into a keyword argument (**options).

def link_to_delete_remote(object, path, tooltip: _("Delete"), **options)
   link_to(options[:title], path, options.merge('data-bad-after': js, id: link_id, title: tooltip, remote: true))
 <%= link_to_delete_object(job, tooltip: nil) %>

However, bunch of specs started failing with the following message.

# ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)

Turns out, there were few callers of the method who were passing in an object that contains String keys, and they weren’t being used as keyword arguments…

<%= link_to_delete_object(
      "some-string-key" => _("some_string_value"),
      "another-string-key" => true
    ) %>

In the end, we reverted the signature, injected tooltip: nil to options object, and just inlined options.fetch(:tooltip, _(“Delete”))

  def link_to_delete_remote(object, path, options = {})
    link_to(options[:title], path, options.merge('data-bad-after': js, id: link_id, title: options.fetch(:tooltip, _("Delete")), remote: true))

Written on July 13, 2018 by jiyou